Clear shield and multi-layered Ceramic security window films.
Hüper Optik Shield Window Films provide protection, well being, and comfort from the uncertain. They protect against natural catastrophes, hurricanes, explosions, vandalism, burglary, glass breakage and turbulent weather. Security films provide protection and are designed to absorb the energy from wind, flying debris, intruders and shock wave. They will provide protection against flying shards of glass from the broken window and protect the occupants inside the building.
Smash and Grab Protection
With Hüper Optik Shield Film, burglars are deterred because as the glass breaks, a “spider web” of broken glass forms that will not permit the perpetrator to enter through the window, slowing down and even stopping their burglary efforts.
Storm protection
Hüper Optik Shield films provide protection and helps prevent shattering or flying glass pieces by holding the glass together.
Blast protection
Hüper Optik Shield Film provides a protective shell to glass that may be the only thing between you and harm’s way. Once the glass has been breached, a “spider web” of broken glass forms. However, the films which ranges anywhere from 4mil to 12mil will not permit the blast or debris to penetrate the glass.